Era Premotistel -- Biology & Basis ::ether

Microbes & multicellular life began to form during the Incidental Shearing, from which two degrees merged of pure cosmological coincidence. The merging of these two degrees, even for a split moment, was enough to cause a rippling effect throughout a number of different degrees. It is assumed that everything simultaneously moved counter-clockwise 0.002 degrees, and clockwise 0.002 degrees, within the whole of the cosmos, though the mechanical reasonings behind why are still unknown.

Microsaechevs, saechevs, riehnstoats, & kunerl't were considered to be the first of the multicellular life to form. Microsaechevs & saechevs are lifeforms that were bound together with pre-black-river particles (pBRP), and clung to these particles so closely that it became more efficient for them to merge into one semi-symbiotic, multicellular for. Saechevs, as opposed to microsaechevs, were vast collections mostly built around an accumulation of shifting single-cellular life, mostly whatever else was attracted to the pBRP. Riehnstoats were originally merely life which generated their energy to grow and life through heat. However, after the Incidental Shearing, many of them mistook the dos that came as result of the Incidental Shearing to be heat. Drawn by this exciting, massive amount of "heat", riehnstoats bound with other life that seemed to best be able to either generate dos or heat, or be able to harvest the dos or heat. Finally, the kunerl't were a lifeform comprised of a behsofas cell, a riehnstoats, and a microsaechev, alongside a theoretical Gyuhen's Cell. While one would assume that the kunerl't came forth after a long period of saechev & riehnstoat development, they adapted and housed the three or four cells very swiftly. The behsofas cell is considered the root of the cell, and likely had a mechanism which allowed it to "predict" the incidental Shearing before it began. This mechanism has been explained as either a way to measure passive dos, or simply being widespread & generationally dense enough to be able to understand common patterns, perhaps suggesting previous shearing events. Others have suggested that the Gyuhen's Cell played a key role in the development of the kunerl't, as it might have been a cell that specialized in understanding the flow of premortistel pseudotime. As such, the Gyuhen's Cell is suggested as a cell that less predicted the incidental shearing, and more so one that reversely understood the Incidental Shearing. Knowing that it would be bound with the behosfas cell into the protokunerl't cell, it may have immediately used the opportunity of the Incidental Shearing to change the approach of the behsofas cell to one that would result in the kunerl't cell as is understood. That, or the kunerl't cell created the history and existence of the Gyuuhen's Cell as a way to excuse and "present causality" of itself. As the Gyuhen's Cell, and premortistel era, are still in their earliest stages of understanding, it is not clear how the behsofas cell managed to adapt so swiftly, nor if the Gyuhen's Cell exists in any capacity.

Life evolved further and further, and it is around this time that scholars pinpoint the birth of the two of the three primary forms of life: sceiti & hrurumiir -- typically translated to animal & fungal life. Hrurumiir was a fairly straightforward approach, utilizing the nature of collective lifeforms to further establish itself. Hive-beasts, molds, slimes, grasses, and so on were near ubiquitous within the warm waters of the world. A challenge many scholars face from this time, on top of the other natural challenges attached to studying the Era Premortistel, is being able to figure out where one lifeform began, and another ended. All of the earliest Hrurumiir were so deeply intergrated with each other that many scholars group these, and even modern hrurumiir, not by individual types, but rather organs and structures within different regions. But even the different regions of the hrurumiir were so intertwined with others, that these borders are to be understood as somewhat arbitrary. Even the difference between the inorganic and the organic is highly blurred when studying the hrurumiir, and as such the study of these organisms are considered a far separate field from most other early biological studies. However, it is assumed that the sceiti were, too, just once another organ of different fields of hrurumiir. As with any pretemporal studies, there isn't a way to say if the sceiti had beeen created by the hrurumiir, or if the sceiti had produced themselves into existence in a reverse manner, acting as muses for the hrurumiir "before" their "creation".

The lilisca branched off from the sceiti, as a at-the-time specialized branch of sceiti. It should be noted early hrurumiir were noted for their more free multicellular composition: it was not enough to claim that there was a certain majority of a particular cell that made up the hrurumiir. However, whereas the hrurumiir were mopre physically and biologically connected, the sceiti began a line that was connected through other means. As result, the sceiti were physically more self-sufficient, and could carry out survival with typically only the assistance of sceiti that were related to their line. That is to say, the building blocks that the flexible kunerl't organism provided were used primarily in the sceiti body. A number of modern sceiti still have kunerl't in organs and functions where more specialized structures would be more efficient. However, the kunerl't-based strucutres still work fine, often vestigializing parts of themselves just to more practically carry out roles. The sceiti is as stable as the kunerl't cell is. But nature saw a more efficient path, and so it was unveiled too within the lilisca.

The lilisca branching happened early within the formation of the sceiti. In its earliest forms, the lilisca were thought to be near totally amorphous, very akin to that of the hrurumiir. However, they had a cellular structure more commonly understood at its core, and more patterned. Indeed, it was practically the same in most all aspects ot the sceiti at its root, but its kunerl't structures used saechev cells rather than microsaechevs. Whereas the physical body of the hrurumiir is a network, & the body of the sceiti is a machine, the body of the lilisca is an accumulation and horde. However, the lilisca did not yet thriver, merely acting as a sort of pseudo-hrurumiir in the background of life.