...Phonology ::ether

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I so me, be (first person v), akin to myself (adj), mine
you su
they(singular) cpa
we sro
you(plural) cnasu
they(plural) cnacpa
this tsi
that jṃi
here rppu
there jmirpu
who ssị
what cttu
where ḥii
when jǔa
how celǔo method (n), procedural (adj), do (v)
not cnupri cnuu
all nru̇si
many cnaajnu cna
some pluru
few ncolju
other mporra
one cụ
two trụ
three lǔu
four tstu
five cjaju cjaa
big crollẹ cro
long sterrci
wide nmu̇
thick srolu
heavy ssu̇ǔuu
small rrạtji rrạ
short j̣tsu
narrow ncitra
thin ṃnno
woman nerǔo
man ccutụ
human hresa
child msirtsa
wife tsǔu̇luci
husband tstsu̇clo
mother hǔucja
father tsǔatu
animal shhuctu
fish smorme
bird mǔạ
dog lǔọ
louse ttsumme
snake staǔtsu
worm tnohi
tree rsoṇnu
forest mucsẹ
stick hpuma
fruit mccịc̣ịro
seed c̣nijleru
leaf msehuṇǔa
root caj̣ohoo
bark j̣puǔco
flower ṇaara
grass ḥeenoojja
rope hhpi
skin ṇulotsu
meat ṃronli
blood lịḥe
bone slummu̇
father csu̇mụ
egg pcoǔa
horn lhẹe
tail necnọo
feather jmịre
hair ncu̇ṇe
head mccịhre
ear j̣jeruṇo
eye pihe
nose muhtọ
mouth rahhu
tooth mccịc̣ni
tongue noṇa
fingernail hṇumu̇ccị
foot nasu̇rmo
leg ppoṇo
knee mụ̇looj̣ta
hand jlojii
wing jcẹrlạsu̇
belly paapcịrọ
guts risc̣cọ
neck mccịcaj̣o
back mna
breast prej̣ạ
heart shịmmaa
liver lulhoḥcu
drink cu̇lmee
eat sejṇọ around an hour
bite slẹtcu
suck nnu̇
spit nịiǔu
vomit hiile
blow neehpi
breathe c̣u̇rsọ cu̇ a brief moment
laugh pecọ
know ra
think nạ
smell ṇimu̇lco
fear mechuǔu
sleep ǔhụ half a day
die ṇsorupsi
kill ṇsoculǔo
fight rrạṇso
hunt ṇsoculǔora
hit co
cut llalụ
split jǔa
stab jị
scratch rrạllalụ
dig ccǔii
swim shịmmaa
fly cu̇ccǔii
walk sppe
come mǔitscee
lie saǔẹ
sit rcaṇu
stand ḥppi
turn sisjọ
fall murec̣si
give cǔịmhuu
hold tsnịlotsọ
squeeze jraa
rub cpo
wash msiha
wipe tsu̇su̇
pull cjjolmu
push piicụ̇rtạ
throw listte
tie ṇụ̇nnọpẹcị
sew ṇjuci
count ṇperii
say htammụ
sing htammụruultsa
play sonụpitso
float rǔu̇ro
freeze sarala
swell htaasmu
sun hu̇ future
moon ṃmǔoc̣ra mmo time
star ṇroppi
water thẹso
and tjo with, add
now j̣jạ
in (in reference to location) hrị
recently rọma
target (known person/infamous thing) hore to, towards
target (person, nonthreatening animal) nịṃra
target (inanimate, threatening animal) phajẹ in (in reference to quantity: "in pieces")
request lọo ask, recommend
craft cạc̣ụ̇
theoretically mu̇cmiḥẹ like (in reference to a hypothetical), might, potentially
have shhẹ
exchange for mrimo
money shhọocco jewels, trophies
exchange with sejja
six plurcụ
seven plutrụ
eight plurlǔu
nine plutstu
ten plucjaju, toǔi toǔi
eleven cnacụ
twelve cnatrụ
thirteen cnalǔu
fourteen cnatstu
fifteen cnacjaju, huju
sixteen crocụ
seventeen crotrụ
eighteen crolǔu
nineteen crotstu
twenty crocjaju, ṇtu
twenty-one cjaṇu̇cụ
twenty-two cjaṇu̇trụ
twenty-three cjaṇu̇lǔu
twenty-four cjaṇu̇tstu
twenty-five shọcoṇu̇cjaju MONEY FIVE, maximum
numbers ṇu̇ of (regarding quantity)
honor huju of (regarding a notable or important concept, location, or person)
home, hailing ǔpụ of (regarding location), from
under tsạǔpị tsạ of (regarding parents and guardians)
above jhịre of (regarding children)
interest ṇheṇoǔṃi
past socẹjjhe socẹ
group (of people or nonthreatening animals) j̣u̇lṇo
group (anything else) phaluje
be hepị
broken cnajǔa
prayer cu̇lọohore
romance pịsitta
emotion maṇemppa
cold mmǔlịḥe
lonely cnuuhta
want ntọntọ
cause lhịṇu̇se
departure hẹnj̣jị
(grammatical blank) ǔu
tonight mmotrụǔhụ
somewhat intense hrarụ̇lo
very intense cjaarụ̇lo
sad jichu
rot snaṇẹro
assume primọṇru
things (undefined) ṇumracju
goods tsosaa
experiences ralhịṇu̇se
things (concepts) catore
pleasant nsẹnị
anger ṇulosara
akin to c̣cac̣ni
gift pu̇mọcu
mess from an aftermath jmịrunu
memory socẹhịṇu̇