fundamental four tongues paradigm
introduction & purpose ::ether

The four tongues paradigm is broadly applicable categories. These categories, deemed tongues, are ways to shape one's perception and communication. Understanding one's own position in the tongues, and understanding how they are speaking within those particular tongues, is important for a more widely developed, less obscured awareness. Tongues necessarily overlap thanks to the blending principle of all things. By distinguishing tongues, one may more easily note where a particular message roots from, and most efficiently learn and study it.

the four tongues ::1

Let us begin by understand the first tongue. This is the full moon, the mid-day where all clearly revealed, the summer, the matured life. This is the 'earth,' the gi, in its most physical and unsymbolic. This is the body and the egg. Gi must be considered symbolic in some ways, as beings of your third tongue might consider your gi and first tongue, their third tongue. Beware that which claims any giac is hierarchically superior to others. Secondly, giac are not the only beings of the first tongue. Connect with that which is truly mundane. Some claim the first tongue is malevolent or a distraction as a whole. While sympathizable, as many of the first tongue writhe in active pain, there is much to be learned from it regardless.

Now we must understand the second tongue. This is the waning moon, the surreal dusk, the autumn of slow darkening, the elder life. This is the 'you,' the scos-caet, a rippling pool of nocturnal and diurnal. This is the self and the crow. Many begin to burn at their socialization, and find the first ways to speak through these second tongues. They begin to understand themselves, and might attempt to burn away the first tongue's misguidances from it. This too, must not be understood as a superior to any other tongue. To represent it as such is to dismiss the interconnection. To represent it as such is to become unbalanced. Allow one's tongues to separate, though, and become more clearly defined. Allow yourself to recognize the difference between the hollowing moon and the full moon. The first tongue is merely one of the tongues one is typically most tied to. However, unsocialed instinct understands through not just the first tongue, but the second, third, and forth in near-equal regard.

Next is to understand the third tongue. This is the new moon, the unlit night, the still winter, the dead. This is the 'other', the emphrents, a pure symbolic. This is the character and the dove. Connection to this tongue is difficult for many, as many socializations of the first tongue seek to dismantle any horizontal idea, at least of the Earthly gi. Even once connected to it, once one can feel and recognize it in their mouth, it is difficult to know where to go. How does one speak, how does one hear, with such an undefined and symbolic tongue? How does one know their recipient understands? Many are not given the tools to speak in this tongue, not at least in the same way that methods of communication are gathered for the first or second tongue. Learning such a new language takes time, listen to that which attempts to communicate it with you, and pick at the remains as needed. It might be diffuclt for many, as there are endless languages to be able to speak within the third tongue. Those of their first cycle who have reached their third tongue and may speak with you are either those newly discovering their tongue, or those who have been experienced with it. Both of which are peers of unconflict. Note how power struggles might exist, whilst separating the tongues, and heed not those who deem themselves as superior.

Finally is to understand the fourth tongue, which is necessarily not understandable. This is the waxing moon, the hazy dawn, the cold and verdant spring, the new life. This is the "unreadable", the RRR, a something which meaning cannot be derived. This is the essence and the peacock. Perhaps nothing exists in this blank canvas, and perhaps it is an incommunicable tongue. Yet in that silence and lacking, there is a great and spurring communication which is built.

further examination & conclusion ::2

These are dæmonic lenses in which things may be examined. It has been a helpful way for us to examine things. Its use in the nocturnal keystone projects has been invaluable, and we hope that others may find it useful. Of course, the four tongues, as with all others, is not something unique or novel. Other open paradigms are very likely to have some sort of similar approaches. However, combining lenses may reveal interesting hypotheticals and quiet paths, as is the standard of combination.

Within the tongues paradigm itself, there are two fields of particular interest to the nocturnal keystone. These are listening and speaking in balanced tongues, and that-with-no-tongues.

We have only seen beings that were near-balanced in all four once. There were eighteen in total. It was an incredible sight to behold, as we immediately understood what we were looking at, and were filled with awe despite their twisting forms. To be balanced is to be able to communicate said balance with a mere mention of one's existence. To see a balanced one is to know that you are just as much what you are witnessing, as you are yourself. See those of balance not as hierarchically superior to you, as no thing is. See them, rather, as part of you already, for they are.

That-with-no-tongues is a curio. To be unconnected in the first is to not have surroundings. To be unconnected in the seconds is to not have a "you." To be unconnected in the second is to not have an other. To be unconnected in the forth is to not have lack of definition. There is only one thing that we suppose lacks all four tongues. While the burning of tongues is necessary to traverse the tongues and gain better understanding of them, the cycle of tongues must necessarily be an endless staircase. To be without tongues is to have never been with a tongue to begin with, rather than to have somehow burned 'all' tongues.

As one combines and burns from the four tongues paradigm, more paths will reveal themselves. These resting places hold interesting beings, and those which may provide more truths than anything that the four tongues could have provided by itself. Nocturnal prk-hermetics is an eclectic approach, as nothing could be the finality of learning.

Your reading was appreciated,

Clover & Ask, of anf-A, of “prk lic gyeides.”